36th Annual American Indian Horse Registry and Horse of Americas National Show – Sept. 23rd & 24th, 2017

Nanci, Leanna, and Gretchen at the 2009 National
The next National Show will be held on September 23rd & 24th, 2017 at the Marshall City Arena, 3310 Popular Street, Marshall, TX 75671. This show is one of the very few in the country that specifically honors the horses descended from the original Spanish stock brought over to the New World in the 15th century, and their hybrids and descendants. These horses are true American Originals. The National Show was created in order to show these horses in an arena setting as well as on the trail where they are most often seen.
Once we have the 2017 entry form and schedule we will post it here. Below is the schedule for last years show.
Fri. Sep. 23rd, 6:30pm — Non-Point Classes:
· GAITED PLEASURE (Note: Horse must compete in this class to be eligible for Show Overall Gaited Horse Award)
· TRAIL OF TEARS (Bareback Pleasure, ages 13 & over only — additional $5.00 entry fee. Class includes walk, trot, lope & hand gallop. This is a Jackpot Class. Winner receives 1⁄2 of the entry fee and remaining jackpot goes to the LIDO FUND).
Saturday Sept. 24th:
· COSTUME CLASSES (Frontier & Native American)
· PLEASURE CLASSES (green, papoose, youth, junior, adult, senior)
Sunday Sept, 25th:
· TRAIL CLASSES (papoose, youth, junior, adult, senior)
· TIMED SPEED EVENTS (papoose, youth, junior, adult, senior)
· PLEASE STAY for end of show awards presentation of High Point & Division Champion Awards
High Points in Exhibitor Age Groups and AIHR & HOA Registry Divisions. Additional High Point Awards at the end of the show. Awards will be given for oldest performing horse and high point BLM among others.
AIHR/HOA National Horse show photos: